Døds World Tour, Døds World Championship, and any other International Døds Federation (IDF) events are subject to and arranged following the laws and regulations of IDF in force at any given time.
Participant commits to the participant terms below by registering for the Døds World Tour Events (DWT), Døds World Championship (DWC), and any other IDF events.
The following rules and policies apply to the DWT, DWC, and any other IDF events:
Guidelines for judging and League system and qualification for any IDF events.
The Døds World Tour (DWT), including Døds World Championship, is subject to and organized under the currently applicable laws and provisions of the International Døds Federation (IDF).
By their registration for Døds World Tour and the Døds World Championship, participants agree to the participant terms and conditions set out below.
The following policy and rules apply to the DWT, including the Døds World Championship:
“Guidelines for judging” and “Competition procedure, league system, and qualification for the Døds World Championship”
“Participant terms and conditions”
All persons over 18 years and those over 13 years with authorization from legal guardians can participate in the DWT, including the Døds World Championship. All participants must accept and sign the “Terms of Participation” before all competitions to participate.
Registration is binding, and there is no refund of any starting fee in the event of illness, injury, etc.
Transport, overnight accommodation, and comparable expenses will not be refunded in cases of illness, injury, or event cancellation.
In canceling an event before the first event day, the IDF/organizer may retain 50 % of any starting fee to cover expenses.
In canceling an event during the event due to suddenly occurring weather/climatic conditions or unforeseeable circumstances, the IDF/organizer retains the full starting fee.
Use of images, film, etc.
The IDF may use images and film of athletes recorded during competitions for publication in the IDF’s or the technical organizer’s printed materials, on websites, on social media (including YouTube), in TV productions, in newsletters, etc.
The IDF ensures that the published images and information always comply with applicable personal data regulations.
The athletes must be available for interviews before and after the competition if the IDF or technical organizer requests this.
By registration and participation, participants consent to their names being published in starting and results lists, which will be available online. Personal data and results will be stored in the IDF’s database in compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Act.
Fair play, the prohibition against doping/stimulants, etc.
The athletes must observe the principles of loyalty, integrity, and fair play (good sportsmanship).
Athletes in the DWT must actively forswear the use of doping substances and never appear intoxicated or under the influence of stimulants in connection with a competition.
Sanctions for breaches of participant and competition rules
The IDF may sanction any breach of the above provisions in the following manner:
- Reprimand
- Exclusion for a given period
- Exclusion for a period of a maximum of 1 year
- Forfeit of points/position/prize money
The IDF may not impose a sanction before the case has been subject to due process, considering the infringement’s nature and severity, degree of fault, and stringency of the response.
The participants accept and agree to comply with all the rules, regulations, terms, and conditions of IDF and the organizer of the event/competition.
Participants take full responsibility for their safety during the event.
Participants are responsible for assessing the safety of all parts of the event before, during, and after the competition.
The organizer may only allow entrants to enter the competition if found fit to participate. This does not mean that the organizer approves of the participant's ability to compete by letting them participate in the competition.
Suppose a participant is injured or dies during the competition. In that case, neither they nor anyone on their behalf can hold the organizer, IDF, or anyone connected with producing the event responsible financially, legally, or otherwise.
The competition is judged on skill, not courage.
Participants must only compete if they have sufficient dødsing skills to make it safe for them to participate in the competition. They must do their utmost to perform controlled jumps, not to endanger themselves or others.
It is up to the participant to assess and manage their safety.
Practical information about the competition will be provided before the event, allowing participants to decide on their participation based on experience and skill level.
The participant must hold all necessary insurance to enter DWT, DWC, or any other IDF events. It is the participant's responsibility to maintain adequate insurance coverage throughout their participation in the competition.
The participant acknowledges that IDF and its affiliates are not responsible for any injuries or damages that may occur during their participation in the competition. The participant agrees to release, indemnify, and hold IDF and its affiliates harmless from any claims, damages, or injuries arising from my participation in the competition.
The failure to maintain adequate insurance coverage may result in my disqualification from any DWT, DWC, or any other competitions organized by IDF.