For all athletes and others enjoying dødsing, we ask you to always follow our ten safety rules. All jumps over 10 meters are considered extremely dangerous and are never recommended. Døds is about having fun and not putting yourself or others in danger at any time.
  1. Never døds alone – in case you need help
  2. Døds diving is about skills – train gradually from the poolside, and don’t go higher before you are ready to do a controlled dive
  3. Always check the landing zone for obstacles – don’t take risks, and don’t dive if there are waves and wind
  4. Always have someone telling you when it’s clear to jump
  5. Measure the height of the platform to the water if you're uncertain
  6. Check the stability and if the platform is slippery
  7. Always check water depths – recommended depth is 5 meters from 10 meters height
  8. Train your tricks from lower heights to master them before sending them from bigger heights
  9. We never recommend higher jumps than 10 meters – the risk for injuries is extremely high – even with perfect landings
  10. Don't døds if you have any physical limitations, including limited swimming skills that might endanger you. And under no circumstances døds under the influence of medication, drugs, or alcohol. 
If you want to know how to døds safely, take our online course on DØDS ACADEMY